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Sometimes in our lives we find ourselves reaching a ceiling, or stuck on a mental block. We intuitively know that we could be achieving more, but there is something deep down inside that is keeping us from getting there. According to Kinesiologist Elaine Lopez-Bogard, it may be that we are unable to access this mental…
The post 030 Achieving Greater Health and Wealth by Overcoming Subconscious Blocks with Elaine Lopez-Bogard appeared first on Well Woman Life.
We all have more than one focus in our lives. Each one is important in its own way, and the reality is we can’t put all of them first. Career, family, romance, spirituality ; it’s a constant juggling act. We can’t be successful in every aspect of our lives at the same time, and this…
The post 029 Finding Success in Juggling Roles with Jill Brown appeared first on Well Woman Life.
At various times in our lives and careers, we all reach a tipping point of exhaustion. We feel as though we cannot go on; our inner energy reserves have been dried up and we just want to quit. For many of us, in those moments we turn to external support for inspiration. Spirituality, family, Ted…
The post 028 Energy and Empowerment Through Self-Expression with Eva Encinias-Sandoval appeared first on Well Woman Life.
With so much going on in our lives, it can be easy to get caught up in negative thinking. My business isn’t successful enough; I don’t have enough money or time; my neighbor is doing better than I am. When we get into this cycle of thinking, we forget about all of the amazing, positive…
The post 027: Learn and Teach Gratitude by Practicing It With Antonia Montoya appeared first on Well Woman Life.
While most educational settings are defined by the traditional classroom model, this isn’t the only modem of learning. Perhaps you learn better with auditory stimulation, learning by doing, or one-on-one training. The reality is that few of us naturally do our best in the traditional learning environment, but unfortunately that is essentially the only learning…
The post 025 Discover The Secret Power of Mentorship with Myra Travin appeared first on Well Woman Life.
For most of us, a trip to the doctor is an assessment of our physical health. If our blood pressure is normal and our diet healthy, we should be fine. But the fact is that while many of us have physically healthy lifestyles, as a society our overall health is declining. In light of this…
The post 023 Emotional Wellbeing for Physical Health with Dr. Lori Eanes appeared first on Well Woman Life.
Most of the images we associate with motherhood revolve around a woman’s dedication to her child. Cooking, maintaining the home, organizing children’s events. It’s as if we’re supposed to drop everything when motherhood comes along; we no longer should care about independence, fitness, self-time or feeling attractive. According to Moms Wear Heels founder Monica Bencomo,…
The post 021 Maintain your Identity and Independence with Monica Bencomo appeared first on Well Woman Life.