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039 How to Be Efficient When You Are Spread Thin with Kate Kennedy

By Giovanna Rossi | Nov 9, 2016 |

When friends ask you how you are doing, I bet the response is often ‘busy.’ Most of us would probably be hesitant to add more to our schedule. Particularly if we already juggle more than one roles and struggle to fit everything in each day. For former Santa Fe City Council candidate Kate Kennedy, adding…

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038 The Well Woman Life Cycle

By Giovanna Rossi | Nov 2, 2016 |

We can think about our Well Woman Life in terms of superpowers and supports. Superpowers are internal, you have access to them already but don’t always use them. Get the FREE worksheet “Well Woman Life Cycle” now! Supports are external, they are outside of you – your family, work and community. Imagine a basic chart…

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037 Discovering The Power of Your Hidden Resources with Rachel Preston Prinz

By Giovanna Rossi | Oct 26, 2016 |

We all seek to create or contribute to work that aligns with our inner principles. When we contribute to something that matches our sense of morals, we are approaching our working from a pure, authentic place while simultaneously encouraging growth and balance in ourselves. For architecturally-trained preservationist Rachel Prinz, this means using readily available resources…

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036 Power and Politics with Debra Haaland

By Giovanna Rossi | Oct 19, 2016 |

As women, particularly those of us venturing out into sectors that are primarily male-dominated, we are sometimes confronted with conflict or confusion that arises out of misunderstandings. These situations are usually not a result of malice or deceit, but rather a lack of understanding of another’s experience or perspective. For New Mexico Democratic Chairwoman Debra…

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035 How to Find Inspiration in Life’s Biggest Challenges with Christine Glidden

By Giovanna Rossi | Oct 12, 2016 |

We all face challenges and unexpected chaos. Whether we panic or step up, those moments ultimately inspire some sort of growth and change, as we have to adjust to the new circumstances to survive. Sometimes it’s the biggest challenges in life that lead us to step up, gather our strengths, and discover the inspiration to…

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034 How to Harness and Use Your Feminine Power with Michelle Baca

By Giovanna Rossi | Oct 5, 2016 |

As we grow as women, mothers, entrepreneurs, and leaders, we inevitably come to see that we all have strengths. Reflecting on our past accomplishments, it is undeniable that we are capable and skilled. Yet sometimes, often for some of us, we still find ourselves doubting ourselves, lacking confidence, or plainly put, feeling like we aren’t…

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033 Turning Your Hobby Into a Career with Jessie Brown

By Giovanna Rossi | Sep 28, 2016 |

Have you ever wished that you could dedicate more time to your hobbies? Or even, have you fantasized about leaving your day job to fully dedicate yourself to your hobby? For many of us, that dream lingers in our mind but our fears hold us back from actually taking the leap. For beekeeper Jessie Brown,…

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032 Changing Your Relationship with Money to Achieve Your Financial Goals with Jacquette Timmons

By Giovanna Rossi | Sep 21, 2016 |

While we all hope to be making the best financial decisions, sometimes there are factors at play that we don’t take into consideration. Even for those of us that follow all of the financial advice, we forget to incorporate our own backgrounds and decision-making processes into the equation. According to Financial Behavioralist Jacquette Timmons, to…

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031 Balancing Feminine Perspectives for Better Business with Halla Tomasdottir

By Giovanna Rossi | Sep 14, 2016 |

In the corporate world, it’s less common for women to have high positions of power. This means that financial decisions are happening in a male-dominated space. Statistically speaking, male dominated spaces tend to present masculine modes of thinking, leaving out feminine contributions. According to Halla Tomasdottir, it is not merely more fair when feminine perspectives…

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030 Achieving Greater Health and Wealth by Overcoming Subconscious Blocks with Elaine Lopez-Bogard

By Giovanna Rossi | Sep 7, 2016 |

Sometimes in our lives we find ourselves reaching a ceiling, or stuck on a mental block. We intuitively know that we could be achieving more, but there is something deep down inside that is keeping us from getting there. According to Kinesiologist Elaine Lopez-Bogard, it may be that we are unable to access this mental…

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