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220 Just Giovanna: The Big Birthday Bash. Part One: How do you want to feel on your big day?

By Giovanna Rossi | Sep 25, 2020 |

How do you plan for that big birthday? Or your wedding? Some big life events are just overwhelming. And they rarely go as planned, which can create disappointment and even anger. Tune in for parts one and two of planning your big day the Well Woman Way. For part one, we’re focused on How do you want to feel on your big day?

Questions to journal on for part 1:

1. Decide how you want to feel on your big day

2. What do you need to do now to feel that way then?

219 In Conversation: How Black, Indigenous and Women of Color are Navigating Anti-racism (Part Four with Antonia Montoya and Giovanna Rossi)

By Giovanna Rossi | Sep 16, 2020 |

On the Well Woman Show this week, I share part four in a series of conversations with black, indigenous and women of color colleagues and friends, and together we explore anti-racism and racial justice – what it means not only in the big picture but how our daily lives are impacted, what we’re reading, what we’re doing and where we go from here.

This week, I’m in conversation with Antonia Montoya, and we explore racial justice from our unique perspectives and lived experiences. Antonia is a mental health therapist who specializes in walking alongside clients through grief, loss, addiction, and challenging life transitions. She supports her clients in the exploration and reconnection with themselves while teaching new practices for creating the change they seek in their lives. As a queer woman of color from Albuquerque, she has been a lifetime student of the traditional healing practices of her ancestors. She is committed to supporting her clients in their work, understanding the importance of continuing her own.

All the information shared today can be found at the show notes at

This special series on anti-racism is part of the #podcastersforjustice campaign.

We are podcasters united to condemn the tragic murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and many many others at the hands of police. This is a continuation of the systemic racism pervasive in our country since its inception, and we are committed to standing against racism in all its forms.

We believe that to be silent is to be complicit.

We believe that Black lives matter.

We believe that Black lives are more important than property.

We believe that we have a responsibility to use our platforms to speak out against this injustice whenever and wherever we are witnesses to it.

In creating digital media we have built audiences that return week after week to hear our voices, and we will use our voices to speak against anti-blackness and police brutality, and we encourage our audiences to be educated, engaged, and to take action.

You can find all the past episodes of the WWS featuring black, indigenous, and women of color at

Also, there is a list of resources at

The book Antonia mentions is Communities of Hope

The previous episode with Antonia is

Listen to the previous episodes in this series:

Join our community on Facebook at

The Well Woman Show is thankful for the support from the Well Woman Academy® and High Desert Yoga in Albuquerque.

218 Radical Self-Care with Babsy Sinandale

By Giovanna Rossi | Sep 9, 2020 |

On the Well Woman Show this week, I talk to Babsy Sinandile, a Transformation Coach, Speaker, Wellness Event curator, and the founder of Blak Gold Wellness Lounge, a safe online space curated with Black and Brown millennial folx in mind. Sinandile focuses on identifying and reversing mindset blocks that stem from years of generational trauma, through her signature Undoing Method™. As a self-proclaimed self-care strategist with a background in community health, she helps her people take excellent care of mind, body, and soul through group and 1:1 coaching, educational and healing workshops, as well as inspirational social media content. She is a mother of two amazing girls, loves Salsa dancing and karaoke, and indulges in an expensive hobby as a recording singer/songwriter.

On the show we discuss:

– What Radical Self Care is

– How taking care of ourselves can be a form of resistance

– and the importance of healing the generation trauma in the black and brown communities.

This episode is part of the #podcastersforjustice campaign.

You can find notes from today’s show, links to past episodes of the WWS featuring black, indigenous, and women of color as well as a list of resources at

If you want to find out more about Babsy’s Blak Gold Wellness Lounge:

The books Babsy recommended:


You can also continue the conversation in the Well Woman Life community group at

The Well Woman Show is thankful for the support from The Well Woman Academy™ and High Desert Yoga in Albuquerque.

217 Just Giovanna: Celebrate the Little Things (and the Big!)

By Giovanna Rossi | Sep 2, 2020 |

What does it mean to celebrate? Is it something you do when you think you “deserve” a reward? Is it something you do and then regret it later or the next day? Do you save celebrations for “big” events or achievements?

On the Well Woman Show this week I’ll be sharing ten ways to celebrate without breaking the bank or indulging in unhealthy behavior.

All the information shared today can be found at the show notes at 

I’d love it if you want to continue the conversation in the Well Woman Life community group at

The Well Woman Show is thankful for the support from the Well Woman Academy™, a global community of smart women changing the world without anxiety, insecurity, and burnout, and by High Desert Yoga in Albuquerque.

216 In Conversation: How Black, Indigenous and Women of Color are Navigating Anti-racism (Part Three with Tamara Thorpe and Giovanna Rossi)

By Giovanna Rossi | Aug 26, 2020 |

On the Well Woman Show this week, I share part three in a series of conversations with black, indigenous and women of color colleagues and friends, and together we explore anti-racism and racial justice – what it means not only in the big picture but how our daily lives are impacted, what we’re reading, what we’re doing and where we go from here.

This week, I’m in conversation with my colleague Tamara Thorpe, and we explore racial justice from our unique perspectives and lived experiences. Tamara is best known as the Millennials Mentor and is a recognized thought-leader in next-generation leadership. She is the founder of Real Leadership, a dynamic and compassionate approach to leadership, creating culturally smart and inclusive leaders.

All the information shared today can be found at the show notes at 

This special series on anti-racism is part of the #podcastersforjustice campaign.

We are podcasters united to condemn the tragic murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and many many others at the hands of police. This is a continuation of the systemic racism pervasive in our country since its inception, and we are committed to standing against racism in all its forms.

We believe that to be silent is to be complicit.

We believe that Black lives matter.

We believe that Black lives are more important than property.

We believe that we have a responsibility to use our platforms to speak out against this injustice whenever and wherever we are witnesses to it.

In creating digital media we have built audiences that return week after week to hear our voices, and we will use our voices to speak against anti-blackness and police brutality, and we encourage our audiences to be educated, engaged, and to take action.

You can find all the past episodes of the WWS featuring black, indigenous, and women of color at

Also, there is a list of resources at

Listen to the previous episodes in this series: 

The Well Woman Show is thankful for the support from the Well Woman Academy and High Desert Yoga in Albuquerque.

215 Just Giovanna: Create a Simplified, Beautiful Environment for You to Thrive

By Giovanna Rossi | Aug 19, 2020 |

On the Well Woman Show this week, I am actually sharing a module from The Well Woman Academy on how you can change your home and work environment to really impact your mental and emotional health as well as your ability to make clear decisions and achieve your goals.

You’ll definitely want to get your journal out for this one and you can email to request the pdf workbook that goes with this module.

If this episode spoke to you, and you want more content like this, join us in The Well Woman Academy™ by going to

All the information shared today can be found at the show notes at 

You can also continue the conversation in the Well Woman Life community group at

The Well Woman Show is thankful for the support from the Well Woman Academy™, a global community of smart women changing the world without anxiety, insecurity, and burnout and by High Desert Yoga in Albuquerque.

214 Embrace Inclusive Practices with Val Day-Sanchez

By Giovanna Rossi | Aug 12, 2020 |

On the Well Woman Show this week, I talk to Val Day-Sanchez, a professor of communication, social activist, author, TEDX speaker, and intersectional feminist. Dedicated to education, she believes it has the power to combat social justice issues that plague our society. Val is the host of So, What Are You??? a podcast dedicated to amplifying voices that are often marginalized. Val facilitates Equity & Justice Workshops across the country, to help professionals, and organizations, embrace inclusive practices. This inclusive lens is reflected in their culturally responsive teaching, equity-based curriculum design, and college service within Equity centered policy change.

We discuss:

– How her work in racism has changed recently

– That Anti-Racism and Intersectional feminism work is imperative regardless of your race or lifestyle.

– How we can make our schools more anti-racist.

I want to let you know about a special series on the Well Woman show that showcases conversations with black, indigenous and women of color colleagues and friends, and together we explore anti-racism and racial justice – what it means not only in the big picture but how our daily lives are impacted, what we’re reading, what we’re doing and where we go from here. This special series on anti-racism is part of the #podcastersforjustice campaign.

You can find notes from today’s show, links to past episodes of the WWS featuring black, indigenous and women of color as well as a list of resources at

You can also continue the conversation in the Well Woman Life community group at

The Well Woman Show is thankful for the support from The Well Woman Academy and High Desert Yoga in Albuquerque.

213: Support for Working Parents with Ann-Marie Slaughter

By Giovanna Rossi | Aug 5, 2020 |

On the Well Woman Show this week, I talk to Anne-Marie Slaughter, the CEO of New America. She was the first female director of Policy Planning for the United States Department of State and served as Dean of Princeton’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs and professor of law at Harvard Law School. She has written or edited seven books, including “Unfinished Business: Women Men Work Family”. In 2012, she published “Why Women Still Can’t Have It All,” in The Atlantic, which quickly became one of the most read articles in the history of the magazine and helped spark a renewed national debate on the continued obstacles to genuine full male-female equality.

On the show we talk about:

  • Why Ann Marie chooses to be an entrepreneur.
  • Why work that involves investing in others isn’t considered important but it should be.
  • Why treating employees as capable adults makes better employees overall.

All the information shared today can be found at the show notes at

The book she mentioned was

The Souls of Black Folk by W.E.B Debois

You can also continue the conversation in the Well Woman Life community group at

The Well Woman Show is thankful for the support from the Well Woman Academy and High Desert Yoga in Albuquerque.

212 Pivot and Transform with Nell Merlino

By Giovanna Rossi | Jul 29, 2020 |

On the Well Woman Show this week, I talk to Nell Merlino, entrepreneur and activist for the advancement of women and girls. She created Take Our Daughters to Work Day, with the Ms. Foundation for Women in 1993, She then expanded her strategic communications consultancy to develop campaigns, strategies, and events for dozens of clients including the YWCA, Amnesty International, Gay Men’s Health Crisis, and The Sierra Club. In 2000, Nell launched Count Me In for Women’s Economic Independence, the first online microlender in the world. And this year she has relaunched CountMeIn with $250,000 in grants for small women-owned businesses.

On the show we talk about:

– the pros and cons of the current women’s empowerment challenge (#challengeaccepted) on Instagram

-using intuition to pivot and transform your business and which businesses are the most likely to succeed right now

-taking time for pleasure, self-expression and doing your most important and satisfying work when no one is looking

All the information shared today can be found at the show notes at

You can also continue the conversation in the Well Woman Life community group at

The Well Woman Show is thankful for the support from the Well Woman Academy and High Desert Yoga in Albuquerque.

Listen to Nell’s live announcement of the $250k grant giveaway on July 31 at 2 pm EST

Links mentioned on the show:

The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron

Interview with Julia Cameron on Well Woman Show:

The Body is Not an Apology

Just Giovanna: Neutralize Overwhelm The Well Woman Way

By Giovanna Rossi | Jul 23, 2020 |

On the Well Woman Show this week, we neutralize overwhelm the well woman way. And we do it by breaking down how to clear emotional and physical space, face your fears and build your resilience by activating superpowers you haven’t been using.

All the information shared today can be found at the show notes at

You can also continue the conversation in the Well Woman Life community group at

The Well Woman Show is thankful for the support from the Well Woman Academy, a global group coaching community for smart women changing the world without anxiety, insecurity and burnout and by High Desert Yoga in Albuquerque.

Sign up for The Well Woman Academy™:

The Well Woman Approach to Neutralizing Overwhelm

A well woman is strong and vulnerable, brave and scared, challenges the status quo and internalizes oppressive systems, and is self compassionate while imperfect.

A well woman doesn’t “power through” tough times or “boss babe” her way to the top.

A well woman accepts that NOT every thing is “figure-out-able” and that is OK.

A well woman is working on being ok with uncertainty, not controlling things and not figuring it ALL out. Being ok with uncertainty – that is where real power is.

On the show this week, we use this approach to present three ways to neutralize overwhelm:

Step 1: Clear some space




Clearing mental and emotional space like this also creates a sense of safety and control, needed for the next step.

Step 2: Face your stuff

“Take fear along for the ride, just don’t let it in the driver’s seat.” -Liz Gilbert

Using an acronym, we look closely at FEAR:





This reward creates a sense of self-acceptance, needed for the next step.

Step 3: Activate your superpowers

This builds resilience, which leads to a sense of well-being.

When we learn to notice and have gratitude for a superpower like our breath, we can build upon this awareness to call it in when we need it. And when we develop the ability to call in our superpowers or activate them when we need them, we can notice and have gratitude for other superpowers, build them and use them.


“Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare” Audre Lorde

B. Self-compassion:

Three components from Kristin Neff:


-common humanity

– mindfulness

Episode 154: Just Giovanna: Give Yourself The Love You Seek