168 Protect Yourself Verbally and Physically with Trish Hoffman
Are you looking to tap into your own power? On today’s show, I chat with Trish Hoffman about how women can realize they do have the ability to fight back, and keep themselves from becoming a victim. As a former police officer and survivor of stalking, Trish decided to take what she learned to create…
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166 Sexual Wellness with Gina Gutierrez
On the show today, we’ll dive into the topic of sexual health and wellness with Gina Gutierrez. As co-founder and CEO of Dipsea, the first audio platform for sexual wellness, Gina is an empathy-driven entrepreneur focused on helping women feel sexually, mentally, and emotionally empowered through audio storytelling. Dipsea’s stories help women tap into their…
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164 Learn to Human Better with Lauren Zander
How well do you know the Inner You? On the show today, we’ll dive into the topic of knowing the Inner you, a coaching program developed by today’s guest, Lauren Zander. Lauren Zander is a life coach, university lecturer, public speaker, and the Co-Founder and Chairwoman of Handel Group®, an international coaching company based in…
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025 Discover The Secret Power of Mentorship with Myra Travin
While most educational settings are defined by the traditional classroom model, this isn’t the only modem of learning. Perhaps you learn better with auditory stimulation, learning by doing, or one-on-one training. The reality is that few of us naturally do our best in the traditional learning environment, but unfortunately that is essentially the only learning…
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018 Trusting Your Inner Voice with Julia Cameron
Many of us yearn for a creative outlet, but we just don’t know where to start. Perhaps we’ve tried drawing classes or attempted to journal but it just won’t stick. Or we will have an idea for a creative project and won’t get around to doing it. You’re not alone. Even world-renowned artist and bestselling…
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