037 Discovering The Power of Your Hidden Resources with Rachel Preston Prinz
We all seek to create or contribute to work that aligns with our inner principles. When we contribute to something that matches our sense of morals, we are approaching our working from a pure, authentic place while simultaneously encouraging growth and balance in ourselves. For architecturally-trained preservationist Rachel Prinz, this means using readily available resources…
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036 Power and Politics with Debra Haaland
As women, particularly those of us venturing out into sectors that are primarily male-dominated, we are sometimes confronted with conflict or confusion that arises out of misunderstandings. These situations are usually not a result of malice or deceit, but rather a lack of understanding of another’s experience or perspective. For New Mexico Democratic Chairwoman Debra…
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029 Finding Success in Juggling Roles with Jill Brown
We all have more than one focus in our lives. Each one is important in its own way, and the reality is we can’t put all of them first. Career, family, romance, spirituality ; it’s a constant juggling act. We can’t be successful in every aspect of our lives at the same time, and this…
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027: Learn and Teach Gratitude by Practicing It With Antonia Montoya
With so much going on in our lives, it can be easy to get caught up in negative thinking. My business isn’t successful enough; I don’t have enough money or time; my neighbor is doing better than I am. When we get into this cycle of thinking, we forget about all of the amazing, positive…
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023 Emotional Wellbeing for Physical Health with Dr. Lori Eanes
For most of us, a trip to the doctor is an assessment of our physical health. If our blood pressure is normal and our diet healthy, we should be fine. But the fact is that while many of us have physically healthy lifestyles, as a society our overall health is declining. In light of this…
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