068 How to Overcome your Fears and become a Leader in Your Field with Dr. Christina Salas
Today’s topic is How to Overcome your Fears and become a Leader in Your Field and hopefully by the end of the show you’ll be inspired to understand and create your own leadership style, have the knowledge and power to connect to leaders and mentors who can help you and use your experience to support and encourage other women. My…
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067 How to Turn Your Passion into a Social Enterprise with Abigail Lanin Eaves
I’m going to speak with a successful social entrepreneur who will help shed some light on a recent study naming Albuquerque the number one city in the country to close the gender gap in pay, homeownership and education. The recent study by Trulia showed that in Albuquerque, the pay gap between men and women decreased by…
The post 067 How to Turn Your Passion into a Social Enterprise with Abigail Lanin Eaves appeared first on Well Woman Life.
064 How to Do WHAT You Love Instead of Doing to BE Loved with Mary Hyatt
Most of us would be proud to call ourselves go-getters. It feels good to say you get ahead and you achieve your goals. Yet, for some of us, despite achieving the goals we set out, we still feel a sense of emptiness or lacking. Life and business coach Mary Hyatt explains that this is an…
The post 064 How to Do WHAT You Love Instead of Doing to BE Loved with Mary Hyatt appeared first on Well Woman Life.
063 How to Lead from Behind, Break Through Your Limiting Beliefs and Get Results with Getrude Matshe
When we have a good idea, we often want to stick to the exact plan in our minds. We worry that if we give authority to other people, the project will fail because they don’t have the same passions and visions that we do. However, if our idea is meant to serve other people, it…
The post 063 How to Lead from Behind, Break Through Your Limiting Beliefs and Get Results with Getrude Matshe appeared first on Well Woman Life.
060 How to Use Spirituality to Find Hope in Difficult Times with Vera de Chalambert
What do you do when you face a dark period? When your energy and reserves seem spent and there doesn’t seem to be a clear way out? For many of us, this is the time we cling tight to our resources and close off to anyone other than our immediate loved ones to weather the…
The post 060 How to Use Spirituality to Find Hope in Difficult Times with Vera de Chalambert appeared first on Well Woman Life.