026: Conquering Fear with Fernanda Santos
In American media, there are stigmas associated with certain professions. Nurses are traditionally portrayed as women, firefighters are traditionally depicted as men, and reporters are native English speakers. For reporter Fernanda Santos, none of the usual stigmas ring true. As a Brazilian born reporter, Fernanda moved to the US when she was twenty-five to pursue…
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010: Overcoming Fear and Seeking The Life You Want with Kate Erickson
We’re often told that we need to ‘put in the time’ to achieve our goals. Stick with a project or company and eventually you will reap the rewards. But what happens when you have stuck around and you still feel unhappy? Is it always the case that leaving a career means you’ve given up, or…
The post 010: Overcoming Fear and Seeking The Life You Want with Kate Erickson appeared first on Well Woman Life.