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335: A Path to Healing: Cultivating Presence and Flow with Katie Arnold

Hello Well Women! On the show today, I interview Katie Arnold. She is a longtime journalist and bestselling author of Brief Flashings in the Phenomenal World (2024), which tells the story of a traumatic wilderness accident and her path to healing. She is also the author of the critically acclaimed memoir, Running Home (2019). An elite ultra runner, she credits her joy and resilience in running to her deep Zen and writing practices. She leads Mountain and River Flow Camps throughout the Southwest, focusing on daily habits such as writing, wilderness, and meditation that cultivate presence and flow. Her stories have been published in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and Outside Magazine, among many other national publications. She lives in Santa Fe with her husband and two teenage daughters.

We discuss:

  • Katie Arnold’s new book “Brief Flashings in the Phenomenal World”
  • Aabout overcoming the limitations others placed on you
  • Practices for connecting with one’s inner self and intuition, like movement, meditation, and writing
  • Defining success and embracing one’s authentic gifts/talents

And much more

Katie recommended any and all books by Alice Munro

Learn more about Kate’s flow camps:


Flow Camps are small, immersive retreats designed to bring us deeper into nature and our own imagination. Together in some of the most stunning landscapes in the West–rivers, mountains, deserts—we explore simple, pleasurable practices that help us cultivate more energy, flow, ease, and inspiration in our daily lives. These are “camps” in the best sense of the word: they allow us to step outside of our busy lives and into beautiful, remote places, and to experience the magic of moving and writing together in wilderness. We arrive as strangers and leave as friends.

The Well Woman Show is thankful for support from Collective Action Strategies – a consulting firm that supports systemic change so that women and families thrive, and by the Well Woman Life Movement Challenge Quiz at

These two questions could change your life! – Well Woman Life

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