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  • Price: Free
  • Date: Fri, Feb 03, 2017 5:30 PM - Fri, Feb 03, 2017 7:00 PM
  • Venue: Crystal Gateway Marriott, 1700 Jefferson Davis Hwy, Arlington, VA
  • Location: Washington, DC


Join us for a supportive, social gathering to connect and share our challenges and successes as women leaders, entrepreneurs, mothers, daughters and all the other roles we carry.

Our speakers will be:

Lynda Brotherton, currently on ABC’s “The Allman Report” as a television personality and political commentator. Visit her blog -Using Love as a Political Force- at Lynda Brotherton





Dawn Ferguson is Diné/Navajo from Albuquerque, New Mexico and founder a group called Diné Action that image1helps educate and mobilize the Diné community on issues that affect Native sacred sites in New Mexico and Arizona. 




Members and first time guests attend FREE OF CHARGE.

Monthly Well Woman Drinks Events

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In the words of Mahatma Gandhi, “Politics should be sacred.” Sacred doesn’t necessarily mean religious – it means stemming from the deepest part of ourselves.

The search for authenticity, for our deep humanity, should not stop at the door to politics. If anything, it should extend deeply into realms that affect so powerfully the existence of earth’s billions of inhabitants. From how we treat the environment to how we treat each other, our political choices are significant indicators of our moral values and spiritual convictions.

The times in which we live call for a critical re-evaluation of our relationship to life around us – to our fellow citizens, to our country and to our world. Yet in order to transform our current challenges, we must address them from a holistic perspective – recognizing not only the external but also the internal dimensions of both our problems and their solutions.

SISTER GIANT is dedicated to forging a deeper conversation about what is happening in America today – and what we can do to change it. Join us at this time of national tumult that together we might rethink our country.

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