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Andrea, Miriam, Giovanna

Andrea, Miriam, Giovanna

Heather Robertson speaking about resilience

Heather Robertson speaking about resilience

 Well Woman Drinks: February 20th

Motivated women achieving fulfillment and well-being.

Megan, Heidi, Sarah, Jessie

Megan, Heidi, Sarah, Jessie

Priti talking to nutritionist Leah Pokrasso

Priti talking to nutritionist Leah Pokrasso



Join us for a supportive, social gathering to connect and share our challenges and successes as women leaders, entrepreneurs, mothers, daughters and all the other roles we carry. 

You won’t want to miss this!

Who should come? women doing something innovative in order to make a difference in her life or in the lives of others, and maintain a sense of well-being while doing it all.

Join us!





If you’d like to be considered for a future WWD talk, email


Join Well Woman Drinks every third Wednesday of the month for a supportive, social gathering to connect and share our challenges and successes as women leaders, entrepreneurs, mothers, daughters and all the other roles we carry.

We will continue our popular short talks on topics of interest at our monthly gatherings. If you’d like to be considered for a future WWD talk, email info [at]

Who should come? -women doing something innovative in order to make a difference in her life or in the lives of others, or just maintain a sense of well-being while doing it all!

Email info [at] for details!